Joining Pro Portland

PRO Portland Members work together and support each other. PRO Portland meetings provide the format to build relationships with other committed business professionals, to learn about each other’s goods and services, and to share industry strengths and experiences. Belonging to PRO Portland gives each Member the opportunity to extend the reach of their sales department and sales activities, and to gain access to more customers and clients.

PRO Portland Members meet weekly on Friday mornings. We come together to:

  • Exchange new business referrals
  • Establish solid business relationships with like-minded individuals
  • Learn from our colleagues
  • Develop our presentation skills
  • Enjoy the camaraderie of our peers


apply-icon How to Apply

To apply to become a PRO Portland member, your business category must be “open” as we allow only one member per business category. To determine if your category is open, please click on the link below and inquire. If we have an opening for your category, you will be invited to attend up to two meetings as our Guest. NOTE: You must speak with a member of PRO to be invited to a meeting. We are unable to accommodate “surprise” or unannounced guests.

Only one member is allowed in each business category. You will not be permitted to attend if a conflict with a current member exists. Please review the member roster and the Member Application before contact.

As our guest, our Membership Chairperson will meet with you at the meeting and go over the requirements for applying for membership in PRO Portland.

Meetings are currently held both online and in-person as listed in upcoming events.

Our Current “Most Wanted” categories are:

  • General contractor
  • Personal Injury Attorney
  • Physical Therapist
  • Computer Consultant

Below is a list of all OPEN categories currently in PRO Portland. If you fall into one of these categories, please reach out to us using the contact form below to inquire about membership.

As Pro Portland only allows one member per category, it is important that you look through the list and see if your category is open. If you do not see your category listed, please look through our members list to see if that category is filled. If not please contact us using the form below. 

  • Acupuncture
  • Advertising Specialties
  • Architect
  • Auto Sales
  • Auto Tires
  • Business Broker
  • Caterer
  • Chimney Sweep & Repair
  • Chiropractor
  • Coffee Service
  • Electrical Contractor
  • Plumber
  • Merchant Services
  • Landscape Contractor
  • HVAC Contractor
  • Painting Contractor
  • Dentist
  • CPA
  • Dentist
  • Dry Cleaners
  • Employment Agency
  • Floor Coverings
  • Florist
  • Funeral Planner
  • Glass Services
  • Hair Salon
  • Jeweler
  • Moving and Storage
  • Optometrist
  • Nail Salon
  • Office Furniture
  • Office Supplies
  • Payroll Service
  • Pest Control
  • Naturopathic Physician
  • Picture Framing
  • Private Investigator
  • Property Management
  • Restaurant
  • Printing Services
  • Security Cameras and Systems
  • Signs
  • Tailor / Seamstress
  • Veterinarian

Membership Inquiry

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